Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Update to Baking Soda/Vinegar Shampooing

Well one thing I'm learning from this experiment:  Don't try and rush through the rinsing portion of the baking soda.  I was in a hurry to go out to a friend's this last time I washed my hair.  I quickly did the same wash except this time I rushed through the rinsing portion. Since then, my scalp has been a tad itchy.  It's not bad, and it's not oily or any worse than the other washing, but just the mere fact that I didn't rinse well has left me realizing I need to take the time to really get the baking soda out..  Not a bad thing, just means I get more quiet "me" time!!  "Sorry kids, gotta take an extra long shower, you'll have to fend for yourselves!!!"  Hmm... yes not a problem for me at all!

Aside from that fact, I'm still loving the way my hair is reacting to this experiment.  I actually left my hair down for parts of yesterday, and it didn't frizz or get weird on me like it usually would without straightening it.  My hair is soft, completely manageable, and I'm loving the fact that I almost forget I'm being weird hippie girl by stepping away from conventional bathing concepts.

Although this seems to be working well for me, I have thought about making the conditioning portion more personalized, since the one thing I'm missing so much is the amazing smells my regular shampoo & conditioner gave off.  A friend just asked me if I use essential oils as well, and I have, in fact, thought about adding something into my vinegar mix.  Even though the vinegar smell dissipates very quickly, so no worries about smelling like lunch, I miss that little bit of extra.  I've read various other 'recipes' for the vinegar rinse & am going to buy a few oils to see what mix will work and smell delicious.  Another thing I might do differently is making bigger batches of the baking soda water, and putting the vinegar mix into a spray bottle to lessen the awkwardness.  Also, after using some coconut oil for my hands, without thinking I ran my fingers through my hair.  I'm thinking this might be a good step for adding in, as coconut oil, I'm finding out, is everything they say it is! (Ooh, I think another blog entry is on it's way!! hahaha)

I plan on delving into the science behind chemical products we apply to our hair, and how the industry has been able to perpetuate this feeling of cleanliness when in reality we are basically putting crude oil into our hair... but that will have to wait, as my 3 year old really isn't interested in all of my pending research and results ;)

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